Welcome to the Zhou’s Research Group

This research group is how to use advanced food science and technologies to enhance the food nutrition, safety, and quality, and to create the next-generation foods for our community. We am expecting that our lab can make significant contributions to this field.

Open positions

Our research group at the Department of Food Science & Technology, University of Georgia is actively seeking motivated graduate students for both M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Selected students can anticipate receiving a research assistantship, along with specialized training and hands-on experience in the development of sustainable, nutritional, and affordable next-generation foods. A general background and interest in food science or related fields such as Chemistry, Biology, or Physics are essential for prospective candidates. For further information and application inquiries, please directly contact Hualu Zhou via an email (hualuzhou@uga.edu).

Recent News

  • Laboratory Renovation Completed
  • The official website has been born
  • Congradturations to Lu and her collaborators for publishing a paper in Food Structure
  • A pleasant journey to the 2022 IFT conference in Chicago
  • Congradturations to Giang for his excellent work on the effect of cooking methods on properties of beef and plant-based burgers
  • Congradturations to Giang and Lu for the first place prize in the video competition held by Texture Technologies
  • Congradturations to Lu and Giang for their development of plant-based egg white analogs published